Chester W. Nimitz

USS160Decatur160 First Submarine Flotilla USS160Plunger160 USS160Snapper160 USS160Narwhal160 3rd Submarine Division Atlantic Torpedo Fleet USS160Skipjack160 Atlantic Submarine Flotilla USS160Chicago160 USS160Rigel160 USS160Augusta160 Bureau of Navigation

Nimitz, a German Texan, was born the son of Anna Josephine and Chester Bernhard Nimitz on February 24, 1885 in Fredericksburg, Texas, where his grandfathers hotel is now the Admiral Nimitz State Historic Site. His frail, rheumatic father had died six months earlier, on August 14, 1884. He was significantly influenced by his Germanborn paternal grandfather, Charles Henry Nimitz, a former seaman in the German Merchant Marine, who taught him, the sea like life itself is a stern taskmaster. The best way to get along with either is to learn all you can, then do your best and dont worry especially about things over which you have no control. His grandfather became a Texas Ranger in the Texas Mounted Volunteers in 1851. He then served as captain of the Gillespie Rifles Company in the Confederate States Army during the Civil War.

Source: Wikipedia